Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Common GOAL

Looking back to this year i see some questions like,
What was your new year resolution ? & Were you able to achieve that ? blah blah..
Do you even remember you had a new year resolution, which you had decided upon and forgot the very next day of the year..

If nothing of these, then you sure are a person who will achieve Greatness!

Last week i had been to Amchi Mumbai. While i was on a visit to this amazing city, i saw people
( horde of people ) moving at quite a brisk rate from one place to another.
I could not see, even an iota of them lingering around, which made me think about the way WE Humans are going about things.
Everybody ( a human being ) has a common goal, maybe a short term or otherwise, may be the one he has decided or otherwise, but he sure has one.

What about Human Beings as one ? what about Earth ?
WE never ever seem to have a COMMON GOAL for ALL OF US .
We DO have GOALS :
1. at individual levels
2. at group levels ( company / firm )
3. at family levels
and so on..

Where are we heading ? Do we have a focussed objectives for development of technology / environment ?
Even if we do have. During everyday work what we tend to see is short term and not the wider picture that we all are a part of .