Wednesday, August 08, 2007

From ' Tonic for Hindu Mind '


As the different streams have their sources in different places

all mingle their water in the sea

So, O Lord the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear crooked or straight all lead to thee

Swami Vivekananda. From "Tonic for Hindu Mind"

Book : Great Speeches of Modern India


Saturday, August 04, 2007


(Most of the content here in this post is taken from wikipedia articles)

Indika is a book written by Megasthenes who was a Greek traveler and geographer. He visited India during the 3rd century BCE.

The available copy of Indika is incomplete and only fragments of the entire work are available.

Surviving text of Indika

Megasthenes entered India through the district of the Pentapotamia of the rivers of which he gave full account, and proceeded from there to the royal road to Patliputra.

Indika also have references to the caste system in India.!

I am still searching for what actually Indika means ?

Any clues ?