Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Common GOAL

Looking back to this year i see some questions like,
What was your new year resolution ? & Were you able to achieve that ? blah blah..
Do you even remember you had a new year resolution, which you had decided upon and forgot the very next day of the year..

If nothing of these, then you sure are a person who will achieve Greatness!

Last week i had been to Amchi Mumbai. While i was on a visit to this amazing city, i saw people
( horde of people ) moving at quite a brisk rate from one place to another.
I could not see, even an iota of them lingering around, which made me think about the way WE Humans are going about things.
Everybody ( a human being ) has a common goal, maybe a short term or otherwise, may be the one he has decided or otherwise, but he sure has one.

What about Human Beings as one ? what about Earth ?
WE never ever seem to have a COMMON GOAL for ALL OF US .
We DO have GOALS :
1. at individual levels
2. at group levels ( company / firm )
3. at family levels
and so on..

Where are we heading ? Do we have a focussed objectives for development of technology / environment ?
Even if we do have. During everyday work what we tend to see is short term and not the wider picture that we all are a part of .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reason for not having common goals for mankind is simple. We have been taught history out a textbook. Science was what we mugged up and vomitted out during exams. We simply are not trained to think outside the box. At the time of the British, this was fine as the fewer the new ideas the fewer the rebellions. After independence, the same educational system continued as the politicians wanted to ensure that they get intellectually weak people to rule over. Caste-based reservation is another manifestation of this. We will have common goals if we are taught to think about others. Unfortunately, there is no textbook for this.