Saturday, March 10, 2007

Saturday !

Got up in the morning around 7 !
Yes, saturday and even then ! Our team had planned to play cricket ( sounds boring ?), its fun though when you have players like us..
played for 1 hour .. that was incredible.. having played after a long time, everyone was well aware that their weekend's were gonna be full of body ache.
However, we played for one hour, and my team comprising of Prakash ( guru ) , abhas ( Tipuna ) won the match agains satyendu ( satya ), kejal ( dada ) and shesha ( reddy's hotel ? ;-) )
It was fun to play after a long time on a field.
we then later went to a place in kalyani nagar to have breakfast..
Then back home to take shower and then lunch @ Kalyani Veg.
Then back to work ! ( saturday and still work ! yes yes.. )
Then have planned for shopping .. need something good for monday.. you'll know why.
then have to meet the devil of friends' Firke.
Happy weekend to the world !
Hilary Duff again."I put my makeup on a saturday night
I try and make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok"
Have a Good Time blogger..

There's people talking . . .

Heard a song by Hilary Duff called "wake up .. ".

'There's people talking - we all know

They talk about me - usually ?

They know my name - hmmm

They think they know everything - if people read a person's profile at orkut, they seem to feel that they know everything ! ! Grow up ppl.

But they don't know anything - sure enough
About me' - yeah ..

Nice song Hilary !

Technorati Tags : Hilary Duff , music , lyrics

Friday, March 02, 2007

I am This GOD

Borrowed from the microsoft site

"Congratulations!!! You are a proud member of the Norse Pantheon. Siding with the Norse puts you in the realm of the honor-bound, valiant warrior gods who are only strengthened by adversity. Never say die! Too much vision can lead to depression, but even though you and your fellow gods know your world is eventually doomed, your goal is to build your empires, fight your enemies and party with the greatest gusto you can muster up until the twilight of the gods. Your stunning Norse landscape of icy mountains and fjords, mysterious forests and rushing rivers will inspire you to great deeds of heroism.

A sneaky trickster, Loki is always feeling slighted by the other gods and determined to take revenge. Identifying with Loki can mean you have a good feel for the strengths and weaknesses of a situation or a system and intuitively know how to turn things to your own advantage. Your Loki power of persuasiveness and dis-information (deceit) contributes to success in psychological warfare, gaining unexpected allies, and unifying rabble and rogues to your cause. Beware of being tricked yourself.

God Power: Spy: Target on an enemy unit to secretly see what he sees.


To learn more about your god-like tendencies and put your powers to work, play Age of Mythology!"


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Age of Mythology

Having played this game, I became interested in knowing about the GOD's !

Greek Gods.

As of now, I am mesmerized by the Greek mythology.

Having read about the Greek bhagwan, and the way the game has been created, I can just clap in acknowledgement.

(This (AOM) game is not new.Just that I played it after I was a bit saturated from playing the GREAT game of all times.. AOE. NO arguments regarding that. )

This pic borrowed from mythweb portrays the god's in great style.

Interested people can have a look at the site, which I feel is a very good source to know about the Greek Mythology.

And do take this quiz.

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